Public Statement Regarding Dagga Crop Spraying

Public Statement Regarding Dagga Crop Spraying

To all South Africans:

We say we have banned drugs to protect the public even at the risk of exposing drug consumers to various herbicides and poisons not made known to the public.

We also disregard the latest medical findings and the fact that dagga laws were found on segregation and discrimination that was even further exploited by us when we were known as the apartheid regime.

Present day South Africa we tend to disregard the developments in the United States even though most of our dagga spray operations are encouraged and funded by the Unites States but more accurately the DEA. The same agency that is still enforcing dagga prohibition by defying 20 US states’ decision to legalize and regulate medical dagga.

We really care for you sheeple. Why do you think we have given you such amazing things like alcohol, tobacco, GM foods, shale gas exploration, etc?

Because we really love you so much that we risk killing a few people in the process of profiteering while attempting to clear the dagga problem.

We really care so much for you that we will put you in jail with hardened criminals just to make sure you never use, smoke or sell dagga ever again.

We do not care if you are doing it for your livelihood. We really do not care about what doctors, patients and scientists have to say about dagga.

Stop pestering us with requests for dagga reform! Why don’t you go to your nearest pub or tavern and have some release from the modern day struggles of life but please don’t drink and drive yourself home.

Yes we overlook parents morally accepting that their kids abuse alcohol because what we don’t know about we don’t care about.

Ha ha ha you got us. Yes before the ANC was unbanned way before 1994 the main financial income for the ANC came from the sale & distribution of dagga but we now have legitimate sources of funding so we really couldn’t care at the moment, we are however thinking of selling stock piles of rhino horn.

We are indirectly supporting organized crime by keeping dagga illegal and unregulated but there is too much as stake if we should regulate dagga.

We will not only lose out on profits from hunting down & housing dagga users, sellers and distributors but you have to think about the impact dagga bio oil could have on the oil industry not to mention the paper and cotton industries they are all at risk of major profits loss. We cannot have that happen even at the expense of in-humanely jailing people for a victimless crime.

Yes we do do not have evidence to present to you for what I am about to say but let me say to you we are responsible for any and all persons affected by poisons that reach dagga users because of desperate dagga growers pushing dagga that has been sprayed by the SAPS Air Wing Dagga Ops.

If you suspect that you have been a victim there is really nothing you can do about it. What we do is completely legal. Everything was done by the book.

We legally poison you.  You are not allowed to ingest any banned drugs a lot less toxic than herbicides in the first place.

You better do as we tell you sheeple!


Your government

** This letter is fictitious but could possibly be something that could be said if government spoke the truth about dagga.


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