Dagga Legal In Privacy of Homes?

Dagga Legal In Privacy of Homes?

The saying “Dagga is legal in my house” now carries the full weight of the law behind it Well sort of, you may use the ruling for private dagga rights when you appear in court on dagga charges.

The long anticipated judgement in the Western Cape High Court has ruled various sections of the apartheid engineered Drug & Trafficking Act of 1992 unconstitutional.

A gang of government departments, including the South African Police, have appealed the decision made by judge Dennis Davis in 2017.  The Trial of the plant was due to continue in the Constitutional Court of South Africa by the second quarter of 2018 but no commencement date has been announced.

What does all of this mean for Daggafarians?

We can still get arrested for having, selling or growing dagga at our homes. The Drug & Trafficking Act still applies and the police have chosen to ignore the ruling and no changes have been made to police procedures.

However if you should get arrested for dagga at your home you can use the ruling for private dagga rights when you appear in court.

4 thoughts on “Dagga Legal In Privacy of Homes?”

  1. Why wouldn’t they just make it legal and tax the damn thing ;we can make our country rich with marijuana and medication wouldn’t be stiff


  2. True hw can they sell alcohol instead of selling natural herb….If they say marijuana is a drug they simply wanna tell us god is a drug dealer……

  3. This is bullshit , i have 22 years smoking a damn thing, i dnt even hv a criminal record for doing wrong things while im under influence of dagga. Dagga wont be legal in SA as long this BoerKaans still ruling our country

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