Dagga Couple maintains fake document is real

In a live video conference with Renaldo Gouws, on Sunday evening, the Dagga Couple continue to believe that the fake police document is real.

Dagga Magazine could not find any official police documents to confirm that a Colonel M. H. J. van Staden is actually employed by the South African Police Service.

Julian “Jules” Stobbs said: “We actually spoke to Colonel van Staden, he said this was not a legal document, but it was a legitimate police directive. It hasn’t changed the law. It was just putting down on paper the modus operandi going forward. Two days later they completely back paddled on the whole thing. Maybe that Colonel is a Constable today. We don’t know. [breaks out in laughter]”

News24, The Citizen, OFM, The Stock Voice, Briefly and Tswelopele Municipality have reported that the document is “fake and gay”.

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